Todays question comes from a construction manager in San Francisco. With a question about project managing an asbestos abatement project: Questio...
A preview of our How To Hire An Environmental Consulting Firm guide INTRODUCTION: You have many choices when it comes to environmental consulting...
AB 1103 was passed this year and it requires an energy benchmark of all properties that are sold & leased that are greater than 10,000 sq fee...
Phase 1 ESA’s are treated with some serious eye rolling and their providers aren’t treated with much better. Typically, one of the most common wa...
Due diligence from the ground up As a land developer and investor, you know you need to do your due diligence and conduct property condition asse...
Tips for Bay Area Real Estate Investors Whether you're a Bay Area investor or a land developer, you need to protect your bottom line. When you in...
Subsurface Investigations of Bay Area Properties Whether you're a real estate developer considering investing in industrial space; or you're a pr...
Mold Sampling In The Bay Area You're developing property in the Bay Area. You know that you need to do your due diligence. But how important is m...
During a site walk-through on a property due-diligence survey, such as a Property Condition Assessment (PCA), there are certain common recommende...