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How Good Environmental Due Diligence Can...

Many real estate buyers, investors and lenders see environmental due diligence as a necessary evil—a box to be checked in the transaction process...

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Nik LahiriNik Lahiri

How To Accelerate Environmental Due Dili...

You’ve finally agreed to terms for the purchase of a commercial property. Now it’s time to complete all the paperwork--no one’s favorite task. Am...

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Nik LahiriNik Lahiri

What Is Environmental Due Diligence and ...

Due diligence is defined in the dictionary as: “reasonable steps taken by a person in order to satisfy a legal requirement, especially in buying ...

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Nik LahiriNik Lahiri

Buying Commercial Real Estate? Do Soil S...

Due diligence from the ground up As a land developer and investor, you know you need to do your due diligence and conduct property condition asse...

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The Importance of Due Diligence in Comme...

Tips for Bay Area Real Estate Investors Whether you're a Bay Area investor or a land developer, you need to protect your bottom line. When you in...

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Why San Francisco Housing Developers Sho...

Mold Sampling In The Bay Area You're developing property in the Bay Area. You know that you need to do your due diligence. But how important is m...

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Capital Needs Assessment Methodology

Commercial Real Estate Due Diligence in the Bay Area Whether you're a property manager or a builder, you may need to obtain a Capital Needs Asses...

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The Asbestos Survey (Part Deux)

An asbestos survey for a building demolition has more stringent requirements than a building renovation, because more disruption of the asbestos ...

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What To Know About an Asbestos Survey?

California is one of three states that has a significant amount of naturally occurring asbestos (NOA) throughout the state. The other areas with ...

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