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Moisture Intrusion Project

[fa icon="calendar'] May 10, 2015 9:00:00 PM / by Admin

Essel has been brought on by a government agency to investigate a construction defect that is contributing to leaks within the building.  Essel is investigating the building envelope to determine the source of the moisture and how to treat it.

First, Essel performed a moisture survey of the suspected areas to find areas with high moisture readings.  Those areas were then isolated and a further investigation was performed.  The investigation showed that a construction defect existed within the building that allowed the moisture to seep in from the exterior walls & roof.

Essel is now working with the building owners & contractor to determine the best practices in correcting the problem and sealing up the building to prevent further damage from moisture.

Stay tuned for more updates on this project!

Topics: Construction Companies, Lending Institutions, Property Management, Manufacturing Facilities


Written by Admin