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Property Condition Assessments - A Deepe...

A Property Condition Assessment (PCA) consists of a building walk-through to identify any significant deficiencies that would require more than $...

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Property Condition Assessments - An Intr...

When a commercial, retail, or family housing property is in the acquisition process, the buyer or lender may request a Property Condition Assessm...

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Phase I ESA - New Standard is Here!

Phase I ESA - New Standard is Here! When a company wishes to purchase commercial real estate, whether with existing structure or vacant land, a P...

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Underground Storage Tanks

What is an Underground Storage Tank System?

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The Phase I Environmental Site Assessmen...

Environmental Site Assessment Phase 1

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MOLD - What should you know about it?

Mold What you need to know about Mold. While the debate continues on whether mold is a significant threat, we know that exposure to mold spores i...

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Due Diligence - What are my options?

There are two many aspects of due diligence available to the real estate investor. One is Environmental Due Diligence and the other is Engineerin...

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Building Surveys

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